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STM32F10x Standard Peripherals Library
00001 00022 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 00023 #include "stm32f10x_rtc.h" 00024 00044 #define RTC_LSB_MASK ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) 00045 #define PRLH_MSB_MASK ((uint32_t)0x000F0000) 00090 void RTC_ITConfig(uint16_t RTC_IT, FunctionalState NewState) 00091 { 00092 /* Check the parameters */ 00093 assert_param(IS_RTC_IT(RTC_IT)); 00094 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState)); 00095 00096 if (NewState != DISABLE) 00097 { 00098 RTC->CRH |= RTC_IT; 00099 } 00100 else 00101 { 00102 RTC->CRH &= (uint16_t)~RTC_IT; 00103 } 00104 } 00105 00111 void RTC_EnterConfigMode(void) 00112 { 00113 /* Set the CNF flag to enter in the Configuration Mode */ 00114 RTC->CRL |= RTC_CRL_CNF; 00115 } 00116 00122 void RTC_ExitConfigMode(void) 00123 { 00124 /* Reset the CNF flag to exit from the Configuration Mode */ 00125 RTC->CRL &= (uint16_t)~((uint16_t)RTC_CRL_CNF); 00126 } 00127 00133 uint32_t RTC_GetCounter(void) 00134 { 00135 uint16_t tmp = 0; 00136 tmp = RTC->CNTL; 00137 return (((uint32_t)RTC->CNTH << 16 ) | tmp) ; 00138 } 00139 00145 void RTC_SetCounter(uint32_t CounterValue) 00146 { 00147 RTC_EnterConfigMode(); 00148 /* Set RTC COUNTER MSB word */ 00149 RTC->CNTH = CounterValue >> 16; 00150 /* Set RTC COUNTER LSB word */ 00151 RTC->CNTL = (CounterValue & RTC_LSB_MASK); 00152 RTC_ExitConfigMode(); 00153 } 00154 00160 void RTC_SetPrescaler(uint32_t PrescalerValue) 00161 { 00162 /* Check the parameters */ 00163 assert_param(IS_RTC_PRESCALER(PrescalerValue)); 00164 00165 RTC_EnterConfigMode(); 00166 /* Set RTC PRESCALER MSB word */ 00167 RTC->PRLH = (PrescalerValue & PRLH_MSB_MASK) >> 16; 00168 /* Set RTC PRESCALER LSB word */ 00169 RTC->PRLL = (PrescalerValue & RTC_LSB_MASK); 00170 RTC_ExitConfigMode(); 00171 } 00172 00178 void RTC_SetAlarm(uint32_t AlarmValue) 00179 { 00180 RTC_EnterConfigMode(); 00181 /* Set the ALARM MSB word */ 00182 RTC->ALRH = AlarmValue >> 16; 00183 /* Set the ALARM LSB word */ 00184 RTC->ALRL = (AlarmValue & RTC_LSB_MASK); 00185 RTC_ExitConfigMode(); 00186 } 00187 00193 uint32_t RTC_GetDivider(void) 00194 { 00195 uint32_t tmp = 0x00; 00196 tmp = ((uint32_t)RTC->DIVH & (uint32_t)0x000F) << 16; 00197 tmp |= RTC->DIVL; 00198 return tmp; 00199 } 00200 00207 void RTC_WaitForLastTask(void) 00208 { 00209 /* Loop until RTOFF flag is set */ 00210 while ((RTC->CRL & RTC_FLAG_RTOFF) == (uint16_t)RESET) 00211 { 00212 } 00213 } 00214 00223 void RTC_WaitForSynchro(void) 00224 { 00225 /* Clear RSF flag */ 00226 RTC->CRL &= (uint16_t)~RTC_FLAG_RSF; 00227 /* Loop until RSF flag is set */ 00228 while ((RTC->CRL & RTC_FLAG_RSF) == (uint16_t)RESET) 00229 { 00230 } 00231 } 00232 00244 FlagStatus RTC_GetFlagStatus(uint16_t RTC_FLAG) 00245 { 00246 FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET; 00247 00248 /* Check the parameters */ 00249 assert_param(IS_RTC_GET_FLAG(RTC_FLAG)); 00250 00251 if ((RTC->CRL & RTC_FLAG) != (uint16_t)RESET) 00252 { 00253 bitstatus = SET; 00254 } 00255 else 00256 { 00257 bitstatus = RESET; 00258 } 00259 return bitstatus; 00260 } 00261 00273 void RTC_ClearFlag(uint16_t RTC_FLAG) 00274 { 00275 /* Check the parameters */ 00276 assert_param(IS_RTC_CLEAR_FLAG(RTC_FLAG)); 00277 00278 /* Clear the corresponding RTC flag */ 00279 RTC->CRL &= (uint16_t)~RTC_FLAG; 00280 } 00281 00291 ITStatus RTC_GetITStatus(uint16_t RTC_IT) 00292 { 00293 ITStatus bitstatus = RESET; 00294 /* Check the parameters */ 00295 assert_param(IS_RTC_GET_IT(RTC_IT)); 00296 00297 bitstatus = (ITStatus)(RTC->CRL & RTC_IT); 00298 if (((RTC->CRH & RTC_IT) != (uint16_t)RESET) && (bitstatus != (uint16_t)RESET)) 00299 { 00300 bitstatus = SET; 00301 } 00302 else 00303 { 00304 bitstatus = RESET; 00305 } 00306 return bitstatus; 00307 } 00308 00318 void RTC_ClearITPendingBit(uint16_t RTC_IT) 00319 { 00320 /* Check the parameters */ 00321 assert_param(IS_RTC_IT(RTC_IT)); 00322 00323 /* Clear the corresponding RTC pending bit */ 00324 RTC->CRL &= (uint16_t)~RTC_IT; 00325 } 00326 00339 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/